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Reduce the Risk of AC Damage After A Hurricane in Houston

Things to check for on your flooded and/or damaged AC System
  • Turn the AC breaker off or pull disconnect before turning on main power. The condenser may not be bad BUT if still wet it could cause damage to your system.
  • If the electrical components of the system have been under water they should be replaced and all connections cleaned by a licensed HVAC Contractor.
  • If the system does not come on it could be a small part damaged not your whole system. It may just need to be dried out and serviced by a licensed HVAC Contractor.
  • If it is found your condenser is bad does not mean you need a whole new system. Most likely, your attic system did Not get wet.
  • Perhaps you received water in your home. If the water did not reach ducts and/or vents you may not need new ductwork. You can clean or buy air cleaners that will kill mold in duct systems.

Tragedies like Harvey bring many unlicensed people out trying to make a quick buck. Remember, always ask questions and make sure the company is licensed thru the state of Texas. You can check License numbers at